Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Are you the mystery woman in the silver Subaru?

Today while Polka Dot Lisa and myself were walking across Johnson St (cnr Brunswick St), a young woman in a silver Subaru with P plates and bike racks on the roof tooted at me, then smiled and waved wildly at me just as I got to the other side of the road.

I turned around and didn't recognize the face or car and did the classic "must be for someone else" *turns head around to see no one about*.

I'm assuming from the bike racks on the car, that it was someone from the BBC ride? Or was it someone who reads this blog? I "was" wearing my green track suit top that I wear when cycling after all.

The sun was reflecting off the windscreen a bit so it was hard to see her face properly, and I met so many people on the BBC ride last Saturday that it was hard to remember who was who (plus this woman wasn't wearing a helmet either... LOL).

Who are you?


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