Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Harden the fuck up!

Today I received in the post, two "Harden The Fuck Up" wristbands from a BV forum member who was selling them.

For those that don't get the reference, Australian rider Stuart O'Grady from Team CSC at Le Tour De France this year had HTFU wristbands made up to give out to his team mates. The idea was when things got tough on the bike, you just look at your wrist and- "Harden the fuck up".

So where did this phrase come from? See below (from the Aussie comedy show- The Ronnie Johns Half Hour)-

For those who don't get the reference in the comedy skit, the person in the video is meant to be Chopper Reid- One of Australia's most notorious criminals who has gone on to be a media darling.



Lace Ninja said...

HTFU, Sanchez!

Anonymous said...

Al Humphreys sent me a link to your HTFU post.

Thanks for sharing it, and the chopper video, I laughed so hard I nearly...well you know.

HTFU has become our official mantra;

Amanda Veach said...
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